Atlas outdoor
Volunteer Charter

The Atlas Outdoor Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation preservation of natural areas, environmental education, and the promotion outdoor activities. We are committed to protecting our natural heritage and raise public awareness of environmental issues.

Foundation commitments The Atlas Outdoor Foundation is committed to : > Providing adequate training: Providing the knowledge and skills to perform tasks efficiently and safely.
> Ongoing support: Being available to answer your questions and offer you assistance throughout your involvement.
> Recognize your contributions: Value your work with thanks and personal personal development opportunities.
> Respecting your well-being: Creating a safe and pleasant working environment and be receptive to your concerns.

As a volunteer, you agree to : > Respect the foundation's mission: Act in accordance with our conservation and conservation and education.
> Ensure your regular presence: Keep to agreed schedules and inform the in the event of absence or lateness.
> Follow instructions and procedures: Follow instructions specific to the task to the tasks you are performing.
> Respect safety standards: Adopt the behavior required to ensure your own safety of yourself and others.
> Protecting confidentiality: keeping sensitive information confidential related to beneficiaries and activities.